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Drought may be new norm for UK, says environment secretary

"Caroline Spelman says genetically modified drought-resistant crops will be considered as a way of ensuring food security"

Category: Climate Change


Attacks paid for by big business are 'driving science into a dark era'

"Researchers attending one of the world's major academic conferences 'are scared to death of the anti-science lobby'"

Category: Climate Change


Heartland Institute faces fresh scrutiny over tax status

"Whistleblower made complaint to IRS over climate science attack machine's tax exempt status, Guardian learns"

Category: Climate Change


The inside story on climate scientists under siege

"Michael Mann reveals his account of attacks by entrenched interests seeking to undermine his 'hockey stick' graph"

Category: Climate Change


Heartland Institute 'fights back' over publication of confidential documents

"Thinktank behind efforts to discredit climate change launches fundraising drive on back of row over documents posted online"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 146 to 150 out of 1185